December Staff Pick!

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The Bear by Andrew Krivak

The Bear is a short novel set in a world where a girl and her father, who remain unnamed throughout the book, are the last two people left on Earth. If post-apocalypse stories aren’t your cup of tea, don’t turn away just yet – this novel is probably not what you’d expect. While there is some tension and drama, and it’s still a survival story, it’s not action-packed. This book sets itself apart with its quiet, reflective atmosphere and elements of companionship and storytelling.

While the girl takes tremendous, difficult journey, she is aided by animal visitors, and she connects even more deeply around her – even more so than her survivalist lifestyle already necessitates. Her growing mutual respect and understanding for her fellow beings in nature is reflected throughout the novel, especially in its sweet, emotional ending. If you like nature stories, or are looking for something short to get you back into reading, The Bear is a great pick.