Category: Updates

Trustee Meeting – Thursday, 12/7 at 6pm

Would you like to know what’s happening at the library? Join us for our monthly trustee meetings, which are open to the public. The next trustee meeting will be December 7 at 6pm.

Virtual Gingerbread House Contest – Dec. 4-10

Registration for this program is now closed. For participants: We will provide the materials – the kits will be available for pickup starting December 4. Build your house and email a photo to by December 9. For everyone: Voting opens December 11 – look at the photos and vote for your favorite house! Winners …

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Patron Appreciation Week is December 11 to 16!

Thank you, patrons!! Drop in all week for special treats as a thank you from the library for a wonderful year!

CLOSED 11/23 and 11/24 for Thanksgiving

In addition to our usual Wednesday closing, the library will also be closed this Thursday and Friday (11/23 and 11/24) in observance of Thanksgiving. We will be open again on Saturday, 11/25. Enjoy the holiday!

The Library Will Be Closed Saturday, 11/11 in Observance of Veteran’s Day

The library will be closed Saturday, November 11, in observance of Veteran’s Day. See you Monday!