Language Learning Resources

DuoLingoWebsite / iPhone App / Android App
DuoLingo is a free online language learning app. It offers a variety of language courses and a fun and accessible teaching style that makes learning a language feel like playing a game. DuoLingo does not require a library card – it is available to anyone to use for free.

Language Learning CDs
The library has language learning CDs available for French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Visit the library if you would like to check one out!

Language Learning Books
We have a Japanese learning textbook. We also have French-to-English, German-to-English, Italian-to-English, and Spanish-to-English dictionaries. These books can be found in the 400s in the nonfiction section. NOTE: Please do not write in the textbooks or workbooks – we can make copies of the pages if you would like to fill the copies out for practice.