Category: Updates

March Staff Pick!

The Night Raven by Johan Rundberg It’s 1880, and in the frigid city of Stockholm, death lurks around every corner. Twelve-year-old Mika knows that everyone in her orphanage will struggle to survive this winter. But at least the notorious serial killer the Night Raven is finally off the streets… or is he? Mika is shocked …

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Watercolors for Kids! Now with a homeschool session! Tues., 3/26, Sign-up Required

We’re adding a homeschool session to our Watercolors for Kids program! Join Miss Carolyn and learn how to paint the night sky. Open to ages 6-10. Homeschool session – 3/26 at 2:00pm. Click here to sign up. After-School session – 3/26 at 3:30pm. Click here to sign up.

Trustee Meeting – Thursday, 3/21 at 6:00pm

Would you like to know what’s going on at the library? Drop in to one of our trustee meetings, which are open to the public. We are looking for kind, caring people to join our board of trustees. If this sounds like you, attend the next meeting or reach out to Katiemae at

Latest puzzle!

Here’s how the most recent puzzle at our puzzle table turned out! The puzzle table is open to everyone. Feel free to stop in and try our next one if you’re looking for a quiet, calming activity!


Patron creations from the coat hanger snowflake craft!