The library will be closed today due to the snow storm. Please stay safe.
Category: Updates
Jan 21
New Story Trail Book – Tacky the Penguin
Check out our newest Story Trail book Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester! Thank you to East Coast Energy Consultants for sponsoring this book. Thank you to our permanent frame donors who made having the story trail up all year possible! Farmington Conservation Commission, New England Furniture, Farmington Fitness, Chestnut Hill Chimney, Energy Resources Group …
Jan 20
Friends of the Library Meeting – Thurs. 1/26 at 6:30PM
The Friends are who purchase our beautiful library bags that we have for sale as well as museum passes and other fun things the library offers. Join them for their meeting and become a part of the group. You can help plan fundraisers, donate resources and supplies, volunteer your time and really be a part …
Jan 09
Trustee Meeting NEW DATE- Thurs. 1/26 at 6:00PM
The Trustee meeting was postponed due to inclement weather on Thursday. Join us for our snow date of 1/26! Want to know what’s going on at the library? Come to the meeting to find out! Our Trustees are looking for more people to join them on the board. If you’d be interested in helping run …