Category: Programs

Homeschool Meet & Greet – Friday, 4/12 at 1:00pm

Meet other local homeschooling families! Socialize, share ideas and resources, or just play at the library.

Caregiver Café – Friday, 4/12 at 1:00pm

Are you caring for a loved one with a disability or chronic illness? Consider stopping by for Caregiver Café, a support group run by Cornerstone VNA. The group offers conversation and resources to caregivers. Elevator access is available.

Solar Eclipse Viewing Party! Rain or Shine – Monday, 4/8 at 3pm

Did you know that after this eclipse, there won’t be another one visible from NH until 2079? Join us to view this once-in-a-lifetime event – we’ll have special glasses for safe viewing, a space-themed craft, and eclipse cookies from Meemaw’s Mixin’ Bowl! Even if the eclipse is not visible due to weather conditions, we’ll still …

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Teen Craft! Blackout Poetry – Tuesday, 4/2 at 4:00pm

April is National Poetry Month! Come make your own blackout poetry to celebrate! This program is for ages 10+.

Craft & Chat – Tuesday, 4/2 at 7pm on Zoom

Craft & Chat is a virtual crafting program! Curl up at home and Zoom-in to this program to socialize with other crafters while you work on your current project. Please reach out to Pam at for the Zoom link.