Category: Programs

Craft & Chat – Tuesday, 10/3 at 7PM on Zoom

Looking to socialize with other creative people? Cozy up with a crafting project and chat with other crafters! This program is on Zoom. Please email Pam at for the Zoom link. All crafters are welcome!

Support the Friends of the Library Fundraiser online!

When using the MooYah app on your phone: You’ll also receive free fries just for signing up!

Book Sale ENDS September 15!

The book sale ends TODAY, Friday, September 15. We just added more books to the table – come by to browse the new selection and get some great deals! Fill a plastic shopping back for just $1, or purchase a canvas Goodwin Library tote bag to fill for $12. In addition to books for adults …

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Coming next month: Friends of the Library at MooYah! Oct. 12, 3-8PM

The next Friends of the Goodwin Library meeting is from 3-8PM on October 12 at MooYah! Join the Friends at MooYah for a fundraiser! If you mention the Friends of the Goodwin Library when you order that night, MooYah will donate a portion of the proceeds to the Friends! MooYah is located at The Ridge …

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S.T.E.A.M. Saturday – Saturday, 9/30

Stop by the Children’s Room to pick up a corn maze activity!