Category: Programs

Tween Craft: Upcycled Snowmen! Tuesday, 1/7 at 4:00pm

Upcycle a plastic bottle into a snowman! All supplies will be provided. This craft is for ages 10-14.

Craft & Chat – NEW DAY! Monday, 1/6 at 7:00pm on Zoom

Craft & Chat is now the first Monday of each month! Settle in with your current craft project and socialize with other crafters during this virtual program! All crafters are welcome. This program is held on Zoom. Please email Pam at if you would like the Zoom link!

Meditation Therapy – 1/13 at 12:30pm

Join us in-person or on Zoom for a 15-minute meditation session. This month’s theme is Finding Your Purpose! Please email Amy at if you would like the Zoom link. Mon. 1/6 – Discover your purposeMon. 1/13 – Figure out action steps for fulfilling your purpose

Story Times – Mondays starting 1/6

Story times for a range of ages! Baby Story Time (ages 0-2) @ 10:15am: Join Miss Kayla for stories, songs, and rhymes!Preschool Story Time (ages 3-5) at 11:00am: Join Miss Carolyn for stories, rhymes, and crafts!

NEW! After-School Board Game Club! 1/17 @ 3:00pm

Drop into the Children’s Room after school to play an old favorite, or learn a new game! First and third Fridays each month. Ideal for grades 2+. We have board games for all ages!