Category: Programs

Homeschool Meet & Greet – Friday, 5/12 at 1:00PM

Would you like to meet other homeschooling families? Come to our homeschool meet and greet! Meet other families, socialize, share resources, and ask for advice from veteran homeschool parents.

Caregiver Cafe – Friday, 5/12 at 1:00PM

Are you caring for a loved one with a disability or long term illness? Join Cornerstone VNA for a support group at the library. Caregiver Cafe offers conversation, support, and resources to caregivers.

Rock Painting – Tuesday, 5/9 at 5:30PM

Enjoy a fun time painting on rocks. Express your creativity and see what designs you can come up with! This program is geared towards teens and adults.

Craft and Chat – Tuesday, 5/2 at 7PM on Zoom

Looking to chat with other creative people? Join our virtual crafting group to talk and work on your current crafty project! All crafters are welcome. Email Pam at for the Zoom link.

Greek Myths Escape Room! – Tuesday, 4/25 at 3:30 and 4:30

Can you escape Mount Olympus? Test your problem solving skills with puzzles and word scrambles! Open to ages 10-14. Limited to 10 participants, registration is required. Click here to register for the 3:30 escape room.Click here to register for the 4:30 escape room.