Author's posts

The Bookies – Tuesday, 3/21 at 7PM on Zoom

This month, The Bookies book club is reading The Radium Girls by Kate Moore. We have multiple copies available for check out. Contact Joyce at for the Zoom link. New members are always welcome! Book summary: The Curies’ newly discovered element of radium makes gleaming headlines across the nation as the fresh face of …

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Jewelry Making – Tuesday, 3/21 at 5:30PM

Want to make your own handmade jewelry? Stop by the library for our jewelry making craft for adults and make a cool necklace or bracelet.

CPR Class – Saturday 3/11, 10AM to 2PM at the Farmington Fire Department

Are you looking to earn a CPR certification? Attend our class taught by the Farmington Fire Department. The class is free to attend, and the certification card is $17 from the American Heart Association. The class is limited to 12 participants and registration is required. All participants must be 14+. This class will be held …

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Homeschool Meet & Greet – Friday, 3/10 at 1PM

Are you a homeschooling family looking for resources? Come to our homeschool meet and greet to share resources socialize, and ask questions of veteran homeschool parents.

Caregiver Cafe – Friday, 3/10 at 1PM

Are you a caregiver who is looking for support? Join Cornerstone VNA for conversation and resources.