Category: Updates

Family Place Play Group – Fridays at 11:30, from 10/20 to 11/17

Join us for our Family Place Play Group! Play, learn, and explore with your child. This program is for children 0-3 years old. Registration is required. You must be able to attend at least 3 out of 5 sessions. This 5-week session will feature a resource professional on play, literacy, nutrition, speech, and child development. …

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Trustee Meeting – Thursday, 10/19 at 6PM

Would you like to know what’s going on at the library? Join our trustee meeting, which is open to the public. We are looking for interested, caring people to join our Board of Trustees. If this is you, attend our next trustee meeting, or email Katiemae at

Medicare Basics Seminar – Thursday 10/12, 5:00-6:30PM

Take the mystery out of Medicare and get all your questions answered.  This event is free, and light refreshments will be provided. This informative class will help you understand the basics of Medicare in relatable, easy-to-understand language and provide you with the tools you will need to determine the best plan for you. Tim Harrigan is …

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Fall/Winter Hours are Now in Effect

Our hours have changed slightly for the fall/winter season. We will be open from 11-5 on Thursdays from now until spring. All other hours will remain the same. From November 2 until Spring, our hours will look like this: Monday: 10:00am to 5:00pmTuesday: 1:00pm to 7:00pmThursday: 11:00am to 5:00pmFriday: 10:00am to 5:00pmSaturday: 10:00am to 2:00pmWed/Sun: …

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Support the Friends of the Library Fundraiser online!

When using the MooYah app on your phone: You’ll also receive free fries just for signing up!